Robo-AO, autonomous laser-adaptive-optics, Caltech Optical Observatories and Inter-University Centre for Astronomy, USA

Robo-AO time lapse laser movie - January 2013

Published on Jan 30, 2013

Time-lapse video of the ultra-violet (UV) laser guide star used by the Robo-AO adaptive optics system. Although the laser is invisible to the human eye, it shows up in digital SLR cameras once their internal UV blocking filters are removed. The apparent color of the laser beam is a result of the UV light leaking through the camera's red, green and blue pixel filters by slightly different amounts.

Robo-AO time-lapse video - August 2014

Published on Aug 26, 2014

DescriptionTime-lapse video of the ultra-violet (UV) laser guide star used by the Robo-AO adaptive optics system. Although the laser is invisible to the human eye, it shows up in digital SLR cameras once their internal UV blocking filters are removed. The apparent color of the laser beam is a result of the UV light leaking through the camera's red, green and blue pixel filters by slightly different amounts.

Robo-AO laser time-lapse compilation

Published on Sep 3, 2014

Robo-AO is the first autonomous laser adaptive optics system and science instrument operating on sky. The system robotically executes large scale surveys, monitors long-term astrophysical dynamics and characterizes newly discovered transients, all at the visible diffraction limit.

This video shows the propagation of the UV laser used for measuring atmospheric turbulence for each target observed. For more on how the system works, please see: