VERSABALL Grippers, Empire Robotics, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Empire Robotics: VERSABALL assembling LEGO bricks

Published on Jan 7, 2014

This video demonstrates VERSABALL®, the first commercial jamming gripper by Empire Robotics, assembling LEGO bricks. For more VERSABALL® demo videos, please visit our YouTube page or our website.

Empire Robotics: VERSABALL packing a toolbox

Published on May 22, 2014

This video VERSABALL®, the first commercial jamming gripper by Empire Robotics, packing a toolbox.

Empire Robotics is delivering highly adaptive universal robot grippers and automation components to the industrial automation market that increase efficiency and productivity across a spectrum of applications.

Empire Robotics demos soft gripper on ping pong balls - CES 2015

Published on Jan 7, 2015

At the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, Empire Robotics displayed their innovative soft gripper technology by outcompeting human challengers with their precision ping pong tossing.

Empire Robotics plans to use this technology for industrial applications.

Jimmy Faces Off Against Joshua Topolsky's Beer Pong Robot

Published on Jan 16, 2015

It's man versus machine as Jimmy attempts to defeat tech expert Joshua Topolsky's robot arm in a game of beer pong.

Robotic hand with a delicate grip - Empire Robotics at CES 2015

Published on Mar 11, 2015

In industry, fragile or difficult-to-grip items require a delicate touch. That’s why Empire Robotics, funded by the NSF Small Business Innovation Research program, is bringing the VERSABALL to the marketplace. The VERSABALL is a spherical robotic hand filled with granular material that conforms to and grips objects.

At the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, Empire Robotics displayed their innovative soft gripper technology by outcompeting human challengers with precision ping pong tossing. In this video, Empire Robotics co-founder John Amend explains how the technology can benefit industry.

Amend is part of a multidisciplinary team of soft robotics experts, materials scientists and experienced automation engineers from diverse technology fields, including agile manufacturing automation, collaborative robotics, prosthetics and space robotics.

Collaborative & Safe VERSABALL Gripper

Published on Oct 16, 2015

VERSABALL is soft during contact with the target object, eliminating pinch points and ensuring safety for human collaboration.