Ebo, smart robot companion for cat, Enabot, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Enabot EBO X Family robot companion, your smart guardian

Jan 5, 2023

The average human spends 26 years sleeping and 30 years working. That leaves just 1~2 hour in a day to truly connect with family, elders, or pets—if we're lucky. With all that time apart and no one there to supervise, there can be a lot of concern about the health and safety of our loved ones.

This is why we created EBO X—not just for you but for ourselves as well.

Say hello to Enabot ROLA MINI: your family’s newest companion robot!

Aug 13, 2024

ROLA Mini delivers up to 25 days of normal use on a single charge. Equipped with a movable camera and crystal-clear 2K display, ROLA Mini seamlessly fits into your pet’s daily routine, recording their most adorable moments and detecting abnormal movements to keep your family safe.
