Group Rapid Transit vehicles, 2getthere Asia, Singapore

Autonomous Vehicle Systems: we deliver

Published on Feb 21, 2018

Corporate video of 2getthere showing autonomous vehicle applications delivered to date at Rivium business park, Masdar City and demonstrations in Singapore

2getthere GRT autonomous vehicle operating at Nanyang Technological University (in the rain)

Published on Apr 15, 2018

As part of a demonstration at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, 2getthere showed the capabilities of its GRT autonomous vehicle to operate in the heavy Singapore down pour.

Driverless vehicle at NTU Singapore

Published on Apr 16, 2018

NTUsg partners SMRT and 2getthere to test autonomous Group Rapid Transit vehicles on the NTUsg Smart Campus. This silent roadster uses magnetic pellets on roads to navigate autonomously and can ferry 24 passengers, paving the way for a future seamless first-to-last-mile travel experience.