Some said you can't do it, others said it should be easy. Both were wrong! Doing a 1-on-1 basketball battle with RC helicopters turned out to be one of the toughest nuts to crack. Chances are even the big NBA stars like Michael Jordan (best ever?!) or Dirk Nowitzki would burst into tears how hard it is to put a ball through that hoop. Main reason is the missing depth perception of the pilot: From the side of the field you don't see the basket until the very last moment, and whether or not you're flying in the plane of the hoop. On the other hand, when both pilot, heli and basket are in one line, then you don't know how close to the hoop you are.
Sounds not so difficult but as you can see in the video it took something like 80 approaches to finally score. But all the more it was one of the fastest and coolest games we've played so far, with plenty of development and testing that had gone into it. Hope you love it! Leave us a thumbs up please!