NimbRo-OP, humanoid teensize robot, Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group, Institute for Computer Science, Bonn, Germany

NimbRo-OP Humanoid TeenSize Open Platform Robot

Published on Oct 7, 2012

This video introduces the NimbRo-OP humanoid robot that has been developed at University of Bonn, Germany. It is available to research groups. Both hard- and software are open source.

NimbRo TeenSize: Qualification Video for RoboCup 2013

Published on Jan 27, 2013

This video is part of the qualification material for the RoboCup Humanoid League competition which will take place in June 2013 in Eindhoven.

It shows the robots NimbRo-OP, Copedo, and Dynaped performing walking, kicking, obstacle avoidance, throw-in and getting-up motions.

Team NimbRo is affiliated with the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group at the Computer Science Institute VI of University of Bonn, Germany.

RoboCup 2016 Humanoid TeenSize: Two Goals from NimbRo

Published on Jul 5, 2016

The video shows two goals scored by NimbRo vs. HuroEvolutionTN (Taiwan) in the final of the RoboCup 2016 Humanoid TeenSize tournament. Dynaped and the igus Humanoid Open Platforms are the players of team NimbRo which is based in the Autonomous Intelligent Systems group of University of Bonn, Germany.
The game ended 9:0 for NimbRo.

Omnidirectional bipedal walking with direct fused angle feedback mechanisms

Published on Oct 25, 2016

The video illustrates the approach of Philipp Allgeuer and Sven Behnke: "Omnidirectional Bipedal Walking with Direct
Fused Angle Feedback Mechanisms"

"Omnidirectional Bipedal Walking with Direct Fused Angle Feedback Mechanisms"

by Philipp Allgeuer and Sven Behnke

Accepted for IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Cancun, Mexico, December 2016.

Abstract—An omnidirectional closed-loop gait based on the direct feedback of orientation deviation estimates is presented
in this paper. At the core of the gait is an open-loop central pattern generator. The orientation feedback is derived from
a 3D nonlinear attitude estimator, and split into the relevant angular deviations in the sagittal and lateral planes using the
concept of fused angles. These angular deviations from expected are used by a number of independent feedback mechanisms,
including one that controls timing, to perform stabilising corrective actions. The tuning of the feedback mechanisms
is discussed, including an LQR-based approach for tuning the transient sagittal response. The actuator control scheme
and robot pose representations in use are also addressed.
Experimental results on an igusr Humanoid Open Platform demonstrate the core concept of this paper, that if the sensor
management and feedback chains are carefully constructed, comparatively simple model-free and robot-agnostic feedback
mechanisms can successfully stabilise a generic bipedal gait.

NimbRo-OP2: Grown-up 3D printed open humanoid platform for research

Published on Oct 4, 2017

Video attachement for paper:
Grzegorz Ficht, Philipp Allgeuer, Hafez Farazi and Sven Behnke
"NimbRo-OP2: Grown-up 3D Printed Open Humanoid Platform for Research"
accepted for IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Birmingham, UK, to appear November 2017.

The versatility of humanoid robots in locomotion, full-body motion, interaction with unmodified human environments, and intuitive human-robot interaction led to increased research interest. Multiple smaller platforms are available for research, but these require a miniaturized environment to interact with---and often the small scale of the robot diminishes the influence of factors which would have affected larger robots.
Unfortunately, many research platforms in the larger size range are less affordable, more difficult to operate, maintain and modify, and very often closed-source. In this work, we introduce \nopxl, an affordable, fully open-source platform in terms of both hardware and software.
Being almost 135 cm tall and only 18 kg in weight, the robot is not only capable of interacting in an environment meant for humans, but also easy and safe to operate and does not require a gantry when doing so.
The exoskeleton of the robot is 3D printed, which produces a lightweight and visually appealing design.
We present all mechanical and electrical aspects of the robot, as well as some of the software features of our well-established open-source ROS software. The NimbRo-OP2 performed at RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan, where it won the Humanoid League AdultSize Soccer competition and Technical Challenge.

NimbRo-OP2X: adult-sized open-source 3D printed humanoid robot

Published on Aug 31, 2018

The video introduces the adult-sized open-source 3D printed humanoid robot NimbRo-OP2X, which was developed by the Autonomous Intelligent Systems group of University of Bonn, Germany.

RoboCup 2023: Humanoid AdultSize winner NimbRo highlights

Nov 29, 2023

The video shows highlights from the RoboCup 2023 Humanoid AdultSize competition in Bordaux, France. The winning team NimbRo is based in the Autonomous Intelligent Systems lab of University of Bonn, Germany.
In addition to the soccer games, technical challenges like Push Recovery, Kicking High, and Kicking a Moving Ball are shown.