Robot Operating System (ROS)

ROS applications 2020 @FZI

Jan 26, 2021

Some highlights of robotic projects at FZI in 2020, all using ROS.
As ROS-Industrial member we are actively developing and contributing to the ROS environment, give ROS courses and integrate the newest solutions into real world applications.

ROS-Industrial 10 Year Anniversary Mash Up

Jul 7, 2022

The ROS-Industrial open source project reached the 10 year mark and to celebrate we reached out to the community to share snippets of the great work they have been doing. ROS-I seeks to extend ROS and now ROS 2 to industrial relevant hardware and applications, and the community has been a key part in realizing the successes to date. Thanks to all those that submitted and we look forward to more success stories in the years to come! More info bout ROS-I at
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