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DJI F550 Hexacopter Crash

Published on Oct 11, 2012

So I went home a little early to get some flight time and about a couple minutes into it, I had a signal loss and she dropped like a rock hitting a tree on the way down and landed well into the bush.

Turns out while I was following her, I stepped in a dip in our lawn just off of our driveway and somehow flicked the fail safe switch on my Tx =o(

Not sure why it dropped instead of returning to home as it should, but I never tested the RTH feature (that will most likely be my next video)

After hacking my way through the bush, I found my Hex had survived the fall totally unharmed.

Not a scratch, not even a nick on a blade!!

Goes to show how robust these things really are cause going by the sound of the crash, I was expecting the worst.

After a quick rotor check, I got back in the air immediately with zero issue!!