Tribot, folding, reconfigurable origami robot (robogamis), Reconfigurable Robotics Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

4-gram "origami" robot that crawls and jumps

Published on Sep 28, 2015

Researchers at EPFL have come up with a folding, reconfigurable robot that is capable of crawling and jumping. Modelled on the inchworm, it represents a new paradigm in robotics.

Design of multi-functional origami robots and machines

Published on Mar 11, 2018

Video overview of our recent IEEE Transactions on Robotics article titled "Design Methodology for Constructing Multimaterial Origami Robots and Machines" that is going to be pitched at the upcoming ICRA 2018 conference in Brisbane, Australia.

For more details, check out our publication available through open access:

Z. Zhakypov and J. Paik, "Design Methodology for Constructing Multimaterial Origami Robots and Machines," in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 151-165, Feb. 2018.

This work is supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) "START" Project and National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) Robotics.

Meet Tribot, the Swiss Army knife of robots for rescue missions

Published on Mar 12, 2018

EPFL scientists are developing a three-legged robot for search and rescue missions that can crawl, roll, jump, and – like a Swiss Army knife – fold away into compact form, all on less power than your standard LED light.