VARRAM, smart robot for pet, Los Angeles, California, USA

Pet fitness robot VARRAM

Published on Dec 14, 2018

A Smart Robot For Your Pet - VARRAM
VARRAM makes sure your pets are active, healthy and never alone. Monitor your pet remotely.

VARRAM Pet Fitness Robot solves one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century with:
-Snack reward system to move your pet
-Five stimulus artificial intelligence
-Automatic obstacle avoidance system
-Remote control through the app
-FDA- approved material safe for pets

These results indicate an estimated 50.2 million dogs and 56.5 million cats are above healthy weight, based on 2017 pet population projections provided by the American Pet Products Association (APPA).

Pets with obesity are at increased risk for developing serious weight related disorders such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, cancer, and more.

We created the VARRAM Pet Fitness Robot for a fun, safe way to exercise your pet.

Varram's patent-pending design and high-tech abilities make it the perfect way to keep up on your pet’s fitness, whether you're home or not.

The dogs might urinate, defecate, bark, howl, chew, dig or try to escape. Separation anxiety almost always occurs within the first 20 minutes after you leave a dog alone. Leaving a puzzle toy with prizes and treats, that take up to 30 minutes to finish, can help prevent separation anxiety for your dog, while also lessening the risk of accidents and mess.

We know that pets love to gnaw on things so we made the VARRAM Pet Fitness Robot with FDA approved polycarbonate that’s safe for your pet.

We've considered and tested the intense bite force of many different breeds, ages and sizes of dogs and cats.