

Staff member

April 18, 2013

Production: Dance Company Stadttheater Giessen
6 dancers
Choreography: Massimo Gerardi
Music: Delibes & collage electronic music
Sets and costumes: Michele Lorenzini
Dramaturgy: Johanna Milz
Premiere June 2011

Already from the ancient times mankind has been busy with the idea of creating artificial persons like puppets, golems, robots, clones or avatars. A puppet can hold a particular fascination: it substitutes the human body, takes the life out of it but at the same time simulates it. Instead of being a real dialogue partner, it acts as an empty shell in which you can project anything. Based on the novel “der Sandmann” by E.T.A. Hoffmann the choreographer investigates the phenomena of manipulation, control, obsession and the projection of the own ego in the interaction with puppets, as well as the desire of giving them life.

It has to be said that the perceptions of this piece and the following discussions were controversial, which was also the purpose of the choreographer. The male public was quite at ease with this “depiction of reality” mixed with sexy moments. On the contrary, it sometime reached the pain threshold of the female public, especially in the rape scenes. Current issues come into play; during the rehearsal period a sexual abuse case by a well known statesman dominated the world news …M. Gerardi takes time to tell his story. In this way he gives the dancers much space for sophisticated solos and unusual duets… Tanznetz.de

Carin Meier and Peter Shanley: "Real Time Robot Dance Party" - Solid 2014 Keynote

Published on May 22, 2014

From the 2014 Solid Conference: In this day and age, we usually consider robots to be utilitarian, problem solvers. But there is another use for robots, that is for artistic expression.

In this fun, energetic talk, we will explore controlling multiple robots in real time. Roombas sway to gentle computer generated music, while Sphero balls roll with flashing lights. This robot jam will culminate in spectacular finale when the AR Drones fly in to join the dance.

About Carin Meier (Neo):
Carin started off as a professional ballet dancer, studied Physics in college, and has been developing software for both the enterprise and entrepreneur ever since. She has a thing for Clojure and can be usually found with a cup of tea in her hand, hacking on her Roomba and AR Parrot Drone.

About Peter Shanley (Neo):
Peter has a passion for customer-centered product design and organizational change, having worked in both large enterprises and startups to bring new ventures to market. He held intrepreneurial roles at Yahoo! Brickhouse and HP Labs/Snapfish, and he led a strategic pivot at the startup Betable.com.

Kpop Dancing Robots

Published on May 20, 2012

Kpop Dancing Robots at the DSME Marine Robot Pavilion, Yeosu Expo 2012.

Kpop songs in the video:
1) Again and Again -- 2pm
2) Abracadabra -- Brown Eyed Girls
3) Sorry -- Super Junior
4) Ring Ding Dong -- Shinee
5) Ah -- After School
6) Choryeon -- Clon

Robot Japan 9: Dance Competition - Asagiri Mei Mei

Published on Feb 9, 2015

The 9th Robot Japan event included the Dance category with several top humanoid robots competing, including Asagiri Mei Mei.

Watch: 60-year-old man spends 8 years producing a dancing robot

Published on Nov 28, 2015

Today marks the 3rd anniversary since Chinese President Xi came up with the ‘Chinese Dream’, and recently a 60-year-old man spent 8 years making a dancing robot as part of his own version of the Chinese Dream. The robot made by a retiree named Li Zuchen, has two functions: dancing with music and the ability to showcase costumes like a real human model. Li claimed that making such a model has always been his dream after having a shopping experience which inspired him decade ago. At that time, he found that the plastic model is too rigid to show beautiful outfits, and he became determined to produce a more vivid and lively mannequin. However, Li knew nothing about the robotics field, so he kept learning and after facing countless failures and spending 150 thousands yuan (23,400 US Dollar),he finally produced his robot model. Now Li said he wants to promote his work to meet the broader market demand.

Artificial intelligence applied to virtual dance partner

Published on Apr 26, 2016

A new project from the Georgia Institute of Technology allows people to get move with a computer-controlled dancer, which “watches” the person and improvises its own moves based on prior experiences. When the human responds, the computerized figure or “virtual character” reacts again, creating an impromptu dance couple based on artificial intelligence.