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Man sees with 'bionic eye'

Published on Aug 26, 2011

A man who lost an eye in a shooting accident has been turned into an 'eyeborg', after doctors fitted a tiny camera into his eye socket.

Handsmith: changing an industry, and lives, with 3D printed prosthetics

Published on Jan 5, 2017

By day, Lyman Connor works as a software engineer at General Electric. By night, he builds 3D printed custom prosthetic hands. With a small facility of four desktop 3D printers, Lyman has just fit his first patient and moved into production.

"3D Printing Powered Startup Manufactures Affordable Custom Prosthetics"

January 5, 2017

This bionic arm has vision

Published on May 5, 2017

Researchers at Newcastle University are developing a prosthetic arm with a camera built into it, so the arm can see objects and pick them up in an appropriate manner automatically.

"Researchers develop 'seeing' bionic hand with 99p camera"
An amputee describes the device - which bypasses the usual prosthetic limb gripping process - as a "huge leap forward".

by Alexander J Martin
May 5, 2017