Grant Imahara's Giant Killer Spider Robot

Spider Robot Walking Test - EPIC FAIL

Published on Aug 20, 2012

This is a walking test from a hexapod prototype I designed and built in 2009 that I nicknamed "The Spider". (Yeah, I know spiders have 8 legs, but it was a catchy name!) The EPIC FAIL part happens when it almost falls on me at 3:23. This also illustrates why it's important NOT to work alone in the shop. Particularly when your robot weighs 650 lbs. This project is currently shelved

Grant Imahara's Giant Killer Spider Robot

Published on Jun 3, 2014

For the past seven years, Grant has toiled on an oversized personal project that he plans to ride into battle. Or at least to the corner store for some food and beverages. Hear him talk about about this bot, and all the rest he's made, including R2-D2 and the Energizer Bunny.