AR-Rift from William Steptoe

AR-Rift: Stereo camera rig and augmented reality showcase

Published on Nov 20, 2013

This video details a stereo camera rig that I've built for the Oculus Rift, and showcases a series of augmented reality demonstrations. The video also covers a method to use the Rift wirelessly.

00:00 - Overview of stereo camera rig
01:39 - Position and orientation tracking using optical motion capture system
02:36 - Wireless Rift
03:34 - Aligning tracking and video coordinate systems
04:31 - Wearing the AR-Rift (put your Rift on if you have one!)
05:18 - Using a mobile phone while wearing the AR-Rift
06:12 - Walking around while wearing the AR-Rift
07:08 - 3D user interface
07:51 - Avatar
08:37 - Painting particles and creating virtual objects
10:02 - Putting on a virtual Oculus Rift to enter a VR!
11:02 - Playing with physics, shadows and collisions
11:44 - Virtual screens
14:50 - Playtime

Credit to William Burke for the 3D model of the Rift.

Headset blends the real world with the virtual

Published on Jan 2, 2014

A new blending of the physical and virtual suggests we could one day live our lives in "merged reality"