Solar Impulse, solar-powered aircraft, Lausanne, Switzerland


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Solar Impulse on Wikipedia

CEO, Co-founder and Pilot - Andre Borschberg

Co-founder, President and Pilot - Bertrand Piccard

In 2019 the Solar Impulse 2 aircraft was sold to Skydweller, a Spanish-American company that is developing autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles capable of continuous flight.
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Across America 2013: Golden Gate Flight

Published on Apr 25, 2013

Golden Flight!

What an incredible day, Solar Impulse high above the Golden Gate Bridge, gently hovering over the architectural masterpiece for all to see. We've been talking about this exploit for weeks, but seeing the first shots of the solar bird above San Francisco goes beyond what we had imagined: spectacular!

With Bertrand Piccard at the controls, HB-SIA took off under the captivated stare of Chesley B. Sullenberger III (a.k.a. "Sully") -- world renowned pilot who managed the amazing emergency landing on the Hudson River in 2009. They got a chance to meet and exchange their long experience in the air while the sun was rising above Moffett Airfield.

I believe that HB-SIA can now leave the Bay Area with a grin of satisfaction: not only did it get a chance to reside inside the historical Hangar 2 at Moffett Airfield, but it was also able to bring to life one of its greatest dreams -- a golden flight above San Francisco's best-known monuments.

Solar Impulse - 2015 The First Round-The-World Solar Flight

Published on Jan 9, 2014

Solar Impulse is an innovative project leveraging technological prowess and the spirit of adventure by means of an airplane. It was launched in 2003 by a visionary and an entrepreneur, Bertrand Piccard and Andr? Borschberg, challenging common certitudes and making room for a glimpse into a more sustainable future.

The project's raison d'?tre is to spread a message by flying in the skies powered solely by solar energy. Having completed its first 26-hour flight through the night in 2010 and the world's first intercontinental flight connecting Europe to Africa in 2012, Solar Impulse's crossed the USA in 2013. The plane flew from San Francisco to New York City.

The project's ultimate goal is to fly around the world in 2015 with the second prototype aircraft, HB-SIB. Eleven percent larger, HB-SIB is designed to cross Oceans and more humid climates from east to west in the northern hemisphere.
Official Presentation of Solar Impulse 2

Published on May 14, 2014

Get the best of the Official Presentation/Unveiling of Solar Impulse 2 that took place on April 9, 2014 in Payerne, Switzerland. During this event, Bertrand Piccard and Andr? Borschberg presented to you the RTW Solar Airplane that will take-off in 2015 to attempt the First RTW Solar Flight. Solar Impulse
October 2, 2013

Can a plane fly around the world using only solar energy? Google are banking on it, they've announced a new partnership Swiss long range aircraft project Solar Impulse. Find out more at

Testing Solar Impulse 2

Published on May 20, 2014

Tests are being performed by our team to prepare Solar Impulse 2 for it's First Flight in the coming weeks. Meet Ralph, our Co-Lead Flight Tests who explains what will happen next.

Best-Of Solar Impulse 2

Published on Jun 1, 2014

The only airplane of perpetual endurance, able to fly day and night on solar power, without a drop of fuel.
Our challenge is to attempt the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in 2015. A way for Bertrand Piccard, Andre Borschberg and their team to demonstrate how pioneering spirit, innovation and clean technologies can change the world.

GoPro: Solar Impulse 2 Airplane Exclusive Shots

Published on Nov 20, 2014

Enjoy the first video fully shot with GoPro. Si2 first took to the skies in June, soaring across Switzerland and getting its first view of the Alps. The aircraft has now flown 21 times; with pilots seeking out the sun wherever possible at 8,500m. Co-Founders & Pilots Andr? Borschberg and Bertrand Piccard are both confident in the capability of the aircraft and themselves to pilot Si2 for the First Round-The-World Solar Flight.

100 days from now, Solar Impulse will take off from Abu Dhabi for this pioneering journey. Between now and then, Si2 will be dismantled, packed into a cargo plane and reassembled in Abu-Dhabi.

Solar Impulse Airplane : Change The World With Exploration

Published on Jan 18, 2015

It is some men's great dream to explore the world. Today we present Solar Impulse 2, an aircraft, powered only by the sun that is attempting the First Round-The-World Solar Flight this year.

The only airplane of perpetual endurance, able to fly day and night on solar power, without a drop of fuel.
Our challenge is to attempt the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in 2015. A way for Bertrand Piccard, Andr? Borschberg and their

Solar Impulse Airplane Route Announcement : Press Conference

Published on Jan 22, 2015

Solar Impulse's team is reunited in Abu Dhabi for a press conference to officially announce in detail the route Si2 will be taking around the world starting the 1st of March 2015. Solar Impulse will do the journey in 12 stops, across seas and continent! Follow te adventure!

Solar (Freaking) Impulse - A Solar Airplane That Uses Solar Energy

Published on Mar 8, 2015

Introducing Solar Impulse: a solar plane that uses solar energy. It can even fly at night (because it has batteries)!
Did you ever see Solar Freaking Roadways? Imagine Solar Airways!

LIVE: Solar Impulse's plane takes off in Abu Dhabi for the first round-the-world solar flight

Published on Mar 9, 2015

Solar Impulse will take off for its first flight from Abu Dhabi (Al Bateen Executive Airport, AZI/OMAD) in the United Arab Emirates, to Muscat (Muscat International Airport, MCT/OOMS) in the Sultanate of Oman. The pilot will fly the zero-fuel airplane on about 400km (215NM) for an estimated time of 12 hours. Masdar, Host Partner for the round-the-world, hosted Solar Impulse during the reassembly of Si2 and the final flight preparations. Masdar City is an example of the shared vision for the use of renewable energy and clean technologies.

Construction of Solar Impulse 2, the Round-The-World Solar Airplane

Published on Apr 9, 2014

The solar airplane Solar Impulse 2 has been presented on April 9th. The construction of the experimental solar aircraft didn't happen in a day. Watch this video about the construction of Solar Impulse 2 and understand the steps that had to be taken when you're looking towards attempting the First #RTW Solar Flight!

Solar Impulse is the only airplane of perpetual endurance, able to fly day and night on solar power, without a drop of fuel.
Solar Impulse challenge is to attempt the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in 2015. A way for Bertrand Piccard, Andr? Borschberg and their team to demonstrate how pioneering spirit, innovation and clean technologies can change the world.

Solar Impulse sets new records for distance, flight time

Published on Jun 2, 2015

It's been a busy few days for the Solar Impulse team, with weather delays, unscheduled stops, and more world records broken for solar-powered flight. As the crew – including embedded ABB engineers – makes plans for the next leg onwards to Hawaii, we follow events at the Mission Control Centre in Monaco.

Solar Impulse's record-breaking landing in Hawaii

Published on Jul 7, 2015

After an unscheduled stopover in Japan, Solar Impulse 2 landed in Hawaii on July 3, setting new records for solar and solo flight duration and distance. We got a chance to witness the historic, dramatic sunrise landing.

Solar Impulse - Best of First Round-the-World Solar Flight, Hawaii - San Francisco

Published on May 2, 2016

The Golden Flight
It took Amelia Earhart 18 hours to fly solo from Hawaii to California. It took Bertrand Piccard 62:29 hours to follow her footsteps but without fuel, 81 years later, completing the Pacific crossing initiated by the record-breaking flight of Andre Borschberg.
A flying symbol during Earth Day, broadcasted live with Ban Ki-moon and 175 leaders at the UN, Solar Impulse touches down at the heart of Silicon Valley, land of NASA astronauts Bertrand met in his childhood, who inspired him to become an explorer. Let’s make futureisclean's positive message resonate in the Bay: clean technologies are a solution to the environmental challenges of our time.

Solar Impulse - best of first transatlantic crossing in a solar airplane

Published on Jul 10, 2016

Bertrand Piccard achieved the first transatlantic solar and electric crossing, with zero fuel and zero emissions, after 71 hours of solar flight!

Just like Charles Lindbergh, Bertrand Piccard flew across the Atlantic Ocean, but this time without a single drop of fuel. Another step closer to the completion of the first round-the-world solar flight, thanks to the aircraft Andr? Borschberg and the Solar Impulse team built.

Ending gloriously with a colorful flight formation from the Spanish Patrulla ?guila, Bertrand Piccard landed in Seville at 5:38AM UTC. This is not a first for aviation, but definitely a first for clean technology.

ABB and Solar Impulse around the world

Published on Jul 28, 2016

Solar Impulse has now completed its historic flight around the world without using a drop of fuel – helped on the way by ABB, including a series of engineers embedded in the ground crew. It's been an incredible journey with ABB staff, projects and customers getting involved at every stop.
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