Stemmetje, singing vocal robot, Troy Rogers, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Stemmetje teaser

Published on Dec 2, 2012

A brief overview of the early Stemmetje prototype by Troy Rogers.

Created at the Logos Foundation in Ghent, Belgium, and EMMISpace in Charlottesville, Virginia. With major support from Godfried-Willem Raes, Logos Foundation, and the Fulbright Association.

Stemmetje: a singing vocal robot by Troy Rogers

Published on Nov 1, 2015

Stemmetje is a singing vocal robotic instrument created by composer Troy Rogers. The instrument is capable of producing various voice-like utterances. Stemmetje consists of two automatically tuned Helmholtz resonators covering the range of the lowest human vocal formants, with a linear actuator positioning the aperture of each resonator and modulating its center frequency. The instrument is a hybrid, mixed signal system that operates as a robotic formant synthesis organ. Stemmetje excels at overtone singing, sublingual robot poetry, yodeling, data sonification, improvisation, rhythmic machine vocalese, and more.

Finally, Detente (for musical robots)

Published on Apr 12, 2016

Post-human droidcore, featuring two volatile self-regulating systems, mediated through a band of musical robots (i.e., the robots are the "red telephone" in this scenario). A collaboration between composers Scott L. Miller and Troy Rogers (aka Robot Rickshaw).

Featured robotic musical instruments:

Stemmetje- a singing vocal robot created by Troy Rogers
AMI (Automatic Monochord Instrument)- a robotic string instrument created by Expressive Machines Musical Instruments (EMMI)
CARI (Cylindrical Aerophone Robotic Instrument)- a clarinet-like robot created by EMMI
APESHIT (Automatic Percussion Ensemble, Shaking, Hitting, Illuminating Thing)- a drumming robot created by Troy Rogers
ELMRbot (Extremely Loud Musical Robot)- a percussion robot created by students at St. Cloud State University's MN Made Festival
String Thing- an automatic percussive string instrument created by SCSU students at MN Made.