Troy Rogers

Guthman 2012 | Preliminaries | Marie | Troy Rogers

Uploaded on Feb 17, 2012

Guthman Musical Instrument Competition 2012
Troy Rogers

Expressive Machines is a band of sonic thrill seekers, composers who have turned to the creation of novel robotic musical instruments to achieve their musical vision. Founded in Charlottesville by Troy Rogers, Scott Barton, and Steven Kemper in 2007, the group and their mechanical string, wind, and percussion instruments have turned heads and opened ears at festivals and venues throughout North America and Europe. Exploring the expanded palette of sounds offered by these new devices, the group provides audiences with a sonic and visual experience unlike any other.

Tim Kaiser - Scott L. Miller - Troy Rogers @ Body&Machine 2016

Published on Apr 22, 2016

Collective improvisation between Tim Kaiser (strange & beautiful devices), Scott L. Miller (ecosystemic mayhem), and Troy Rogers/Robot Rickshaw (robotic musical instruments and algorithms) at Body & Machine 2016.

Northrup King Building
Minneapolis, MN
April 16, 2016.

"Chicken Scratch" for drumming robots by Mason, grade 4

Published on Jun 7, 2016

During the Making Music with Robots workshop at the Lyric Center in Virginia, MN, Jan 14-16, 2016, 4th grader Mason composed and premiered his piece "Chicken Scratch" for robotic percussion ensemble. After generating a graphic score, the piece was programmed in Max/MSP by Mason and his instructor. A study in extreme pulse minimalism, the resulting work exhibits subtlety, restraint, and a playful yet uncompromising experimental spirit in its realization, highlighting singular and composite percussive textures within a symmetrical structure demarcated by a regular series of abrupt transitions in tempo and timbre.