F1TENTH Autonomous Racing

F1/10 Autonomous Racing

Feb 27, 2016

It might be 1/10th the scale, but its 10 times the fun !
F1/10 autonomous racing is an open source course (starting in March 2016) which involves designing, building and testing a fully autonomous 1/10-scale model F-1 race car. In this course you will learn about the principles of real-time perception, planning, control for autonomous navigation.

World’s 1st F1/10 high-speed fully autonomous racing overtake

Jul 30, 2020

Since 2015, University of Virginia's Cavalier Autonomous Racing has organized and competed in all five seasons of the F1/10 International Autonomous Racing Competition.

Here is a historic fully autonomous high-speed overtake from their 2019 event in Montreal, Canada. There are now more than 20 international teams competing in the F1/10 autonomous races - "It's one tenth the scale, but ten times the fun!"

ROS F1/10 autonomous racing simulator

Jul 31, 2020

Cavalier Autonomous Racing will utilize University of Virginia's ROS F1/10 Autonomous Racing Simulator and DeepRacing AI Framework to test and validate their autonomous AI racecar algorithms.

One advantage of these simulators is the ability to spawn multiple independent autonomous racecars for dynamic and head-to-head racing with high precision odometry and state estimation (including position, velocity and acceleration). This is the 1st time that the F1 Codemasters® game is being used as a simulation testbed for autonomous racing. "Develop in simulation, Race in the real world!"

Read more about the UVA DeepRacing AI Framework: http://deepracing.ai