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Robocup: The robot football world championship gets underway in the Netherlands

Published on Jun 27, 2013

The Robocup robot football world championship has kicked off in the Netherlands. Over 2,500 contestants from around 40 countries are expected to compete in this year's Robocup championship where robots battle without assistance from humans, in a bid to develop new technology.

[Robolink] Soccer Goalie Robot by Akshay

Published on Sep 2, 2014

This is a Soccer Goalie Robot built by 5th grader Akshay.

Akshay created a friend for our soccer robot. He created a goalie robot that strafes left and right to prevent balls from going inside its goal. Driven by his passion for soccer and robotics, Akshay came up with a creative way to combine those two passions. Check out his robot in the picture below and if you want to see it in action just click on the link below.

2.12: Introduction to Robotics at MIT

Published on Apr 13, 2015

In this year’s Class 2.12: Introduction to Robotics, taught by Professor Harry Asada and Professor Kamal Youcef-Toumi, undergraduate students joined forces to build a robot that could emulate complex human movement in a soccer-themed final competition, pushing the boundaries of their mathematics, physics, and mechanical engineering know-how.

Meccanoid kills it at soccer practice

Published on Dec 19, 2015

Build your own, personal, wisecracking best friend! Meccanoind G15 is your very own 2 foot tall robot.

With its amazing voice recognition capabilities and over a thousand pre-programmed phrases, comments and witty comebacks, it can tell jokes and play games!

Referee Robonaut: football signals

Published on Jan 31, 2017

Can you guess the football signals Robonaut is doing? He's designed to perform complex tasks and use the same tools astronauts use.

Robonaut is a dexterous humanoid robot built and designed at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Our challenge is to build machines that can help humans work and explore in space. Working side by side with humans, or going where the risks are too great for people, Robonauts will expand our ability for construction and discovery. Central to that effort is a capability we call dexterous manipulation, embodied by an ability to use one's hand to do work, and our challenge has been to build machines with dexterity that exceeds that of a suited astronaut.

Researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), in collaboration with General Motors and Oceaneering, have designed a state-of-the-art, highly dexterous, humanoid robot: Robonaut 2 (R2). R2 is made up of multiple component technologies and systems -- vision systems, image recognition systems, sensor integrations, tendon hands, control algorithms, and much more. R2's nearly 50 patented and patent-pending technologies have the potential to be game-changers in multiple industries, including logistics and distribution, medical and industrial robotics, and beyond.

Robonaut, humanoid robot

Published on Jul 7, 2018

Today we play robot soccer with the all new SOCCER BORG! This fun kit features two robots, a set of goals and balls! With the ability to kick two different ways and change from offense to dribble mode, its a lot of fun!

ETH robots in World Cup fever

Published on Jul 13, 2018

On Sunday, Croatia and France are playing for the 2018 World Cup title. Our robots have also been infected by the worldwide football hype. The quadrupedal ANYmal has been training diligently in the last weeks and learned how to kick.