Will robots ever pose a threat to humans? Many people think intelligent robots will overtake humans one day, and there are some robots that can already outsmart a human. Whether it’s IBM’s "Jeopardy" champion Watson, NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover, or Google Deepmind’s AlphaGo – which beat a human at the game Go – maybe you should be worried that artificial intelligence is ALREADY smarter than you. WatchMojo counts down ten pieces of machinery that are winning the battle between man vs. machine.
00:46 #10: Compressorhead
01:40 #9: AlphaGo
02:25 #8: PLEO
03:12 #7: Shaheen II
04:05 #6: Titan
04:59 #5: Watson
05:50 #4: Curiosity
06:40 #3, #2 & #1 ******