HexRunner (FastRunner, Planar Elliptical Runner), two-legged robots, Robotics Lab, Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), Pensacola,

FastRunner, a robot Ostrich

Uploaded on Nov 9, 2011

Dr. Russ Tedrake (MIT) and Dr. Jerry Pratt (IHMC) are working on a bio-inspired ostrich robot that should be able to achieve running speeds in excess of 20 mph.

IHMC HexRunner Running Robot

Published on Jun 2, 2014

This video documents ihmc's work on the HexRunner project. Desinged and built in late 2013 to demonstrate key fastrunning robotic balance and control principals at the heart of ihmc's FastRunner technology, the hexRunner robots have eclipsed a few robotic records. This video outlines the speed records achieved by the large HexRunner, named "Big Hex".