OutRunner, running robot, Robotics Unlimited, Pensacola, Florida

Meet OutRunner: The World's First Remotely Controlled Running Robot

Published on May 8, 2014

OutRunner is the world's first legged running robot that is commercially available to the public. That's right—a running robot! OutRunner is eating up the competition with amazing capabilities: self-balancing, running up to 20 mph on almost any types of terrains (grass, asphalt, dirt...) with up to 2 hours of battery life, extremely simple to operate and upgradable. There is simply no other robot with such capabilities and so easy and fun to play with. All you need to do is just press the accelerator and steer it wherever you want it to go; it's that easy. Let the fun begin!

OutRunner prototype running on grass

Published on May 10, 2014

People have been asking us to see the OutRunner Robot running on grass, here you go ! This is a raw video of one of our first test.

This video of a robot running 45 mph is insane

Published on May 22, 2014

A robotics startup in Florida claims to have built the fastest running robot in the world: Outrunner, a six-legged machine that can run up to 45 miles per hour. Outrunner's creators say they want to host a race to prove their claim. So, who would win?