Robot Teleoperativo, Italy

Robot Teleoperativo – IIT’s new advanced robotic teleoperation system, in collaboration with INAIL

May 28, 2021

The Robot Teleoperativo is a new robotics result achieved at IIT, in collaboration with INAIL (Italian National Worker’s Compensation Authority). It combines the rugged locomotion of the HyQReal robot with dexterous and powerful manipulation assured by a new robotic arm, controlled by immersive VR visualization and haptic teleoperation. It represents a significant contribution to the state-of-the-art robotics dedicated to intervention on unstructured, difficult terrain environments, requiring powerful capabilities. The human operator can always be in control, not being replaced by the robot but substituted and assisted by it, in the case of situations where humans may be exposed to risks for their health, such as disaster response or emergency in nuclear, marine, chemical, oil-&-gas, environments.