
What is 6G? | The Deets

Feb 22, 2020

Are you tired of hearing about 5G? Me too - so today i'm gonna tell you about 6G. Thats right folks -- the SIXTH generation wireless communication. Technically speaking... it doesn't exist yet, but that hasn't stopped the Internet from all sorts of wild speculation. Thing is, most of the 6G information out there is based on a small handful of reports and studies -- so to help clear up any misconceptions, i'm gonna give you a quick rundown of “all the things we know for sure about 6G”

6G - What lies beyond 5G network technology?

Mar 2, 2023

6G network technology will take the world beyond the capabilities of traditional networks, to a purposeful network that supports a global digital society. What would a world with 6G look like? How would it affect communication? Watch NXP's Paul Hart give his keynote address, "6G – Beyond Another G" at the 6G Symposium Europe, hosted by 6GWorld.
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