Robot Survival Marathon

Robot Japan 5: Survival Marathon

Published on Jan 6, 2013

In October 2012, the Robot Japan organizers participated in the Korean International Robot Contest and brought back several new robot competition ideas to improve the Japan event.

One interesting new competition was the 'Survival Marathon'. The robots have to race around a circular 'marathon' course. A new competitor starts off every few seconds. If they catch up and touch the robot in front of them, then that robot is eliminated. At the same time, if they go off the course, fall and can't get up by themselves, or fall off the table, they are eliminated. The last robot still running is declared the winner.

Survival Marathon - Robot Japan 7

Published on Mar 7, 2014

For the Survival Marathon competition, the start for each robot is delayed by 5 seconds. They run (walk) around the course. If a competitor catches up with you from behind, then your are 'out'. The marathon continues until only one robot is left running.