Baby Robot Penguin

Cleverly Disguised Baby Penguin Robot Interacts With Emperor Penguin Colony

Published on Nov 3, 2014

A group of European scientists working together with a UK wildlife filmmaker have developed a remote-controlled robot rover disguised as a penguin in order to intimately study colonies of shy Emperor penguins in Ad?lie Land, Antarctica.

In a paper entitled "Rovers minimize human disturbance in research on wild animals", published in the journal Nature Methods, the researchers, led by Yvon Le Maho of the University of Strasbourg in France, describe how they were unable to study the colonies of penguins up close as the animals typically become very frightened.

Researchers are using the robot rovers disguised as baby penguins to scan microchipped Emperor penguins so that they can check the animals' heart rates. The robots are also being used to covertly study penguin social behaviours without scaring the animals.

Raw: Scientists Use Robot to Lure Shy Penguins

Published on Nov 3, 2014

Biologists use a remote control rover disguised as a baby penguin to spy on the notoriously shy bird and collect health data. (Nov. 3)

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Baby Robot Penguin ...For Science!

Published on Nov 5, 2014

With the help of a wheeled, fluffy penguin rover, scientists infiltrated a group of Emperor Penguins in Antarctica. After several failed attempts, the researchers finally got penguin chicks and adults to not panic at the sight of the rover. Why is it important to send in a robot infiltrator rather than any other method? Kim Horcher, Ivan Van Norman (Creator: Outbreak Deep Space) and Jenna Busch, (Legion of Leia) discuss!