A-Pod, ant robot, Zenta Robotic Creations, Stavanger, Norway

A-Pod part 1

Uploaded on Apr 5, 2009

A-Pod is an ant inspired hexapod robot with a 2 DOF abdomen (tail), a 3 DOF head with large mandibles. 6 legs with 3 DOF each. Total 25 servos. This video demonstrates body movement and mandible control. I still have to do some mechanical improvements to the legs (therefore little walking). The robot are remotely controlled with a custom 2,4 GHz RC transmitter. The Basic Atom Pro 28 are used as the main microcontroller. Visit www.basicmicro.com for more info about the BAP28.

Sound track: Artist: Trifonic with Lies (Instrumental).

A-Pod part 2

Uploaded on Apr 19, 2010

A-Pod is an ant inspired hexapod robot with a 2 DOF abdomen (tail), a 3 DOF head with large mandibles. 6 legs with 3 DOF each. Total 25 servos. This video demonstrates improved walking ability. A-Pod are controlled using a custom made transmitter, XBee communication, Basic Micro BAP28 mcu, SSC32 servo controller, powered by one single 2S LiPo 5000 mAh battery.
Music: Trifonic, Parks On Fire.