AI Video Competition


Staff member
Organizer - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

The video competition will be held in conjunction with the AAAI-16 conference in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 12-17, 2016

AAAI is pleased to announce the continuation of the AAAI Video Competition, now entering its ninth year. The video competition will be held in conjunction with the AAAI-15 conference in Austin Texas, USA, January 25-29, 2015. At the main AAAI-15 awards ceremony, authors of award-winning videos will be presented with "Shakeys", trophies named in honour of SRI's Shakey robot and its pioneering video. Top videos will be screened during the award ceremony and during a dedicated session. All videos will also be visible throughout the conference.

The Furlough Gambit

Published on Jul 31, 2014

The Furlough Gambit
Anthony M. Harrison, Laura M. Hiatt, William L. Adams, Wallace E. Lawson, Sangeet S. Khemlani, Franklin P. Tamborello, Samuel N. Blissard, J. Gregory Trafton
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory