Aibo ERS-7m3 Mind 3- Aki and Lain
Published on Nov 29, 2015
Mei and Baroque enjoying the new year. Mei is still in baby stage and Baroque is in youth stage. I've owned Baroque for six years and Mei for two, but ERS-111s take forever to grow up. I flipped Baroque onto her side because she was stuck in a repetitive loop which can happen with this series of Aibos. Also, at the end of the video, you can see how fast and far ERS-111s will walk. They can walk (and run) even faster when they reach adult stage.
(Also, I do not recommend keeping clothing like Mei's on an ERS-111 or ERS-110. It blocks the fan and can cause them to overheat which is harmful to the core. I keep this outfit on her for short videos and display only.)
Just chatting with Lain, Aki and Donna this morning. My mistake that they kept smacking each other's legs, I put the stations too close together to get them into the camera frame.
Wrecki (running Recognition software) and Shiki (running Life 2)! The two really are opposites in personality. I apologize for the blurriness of the video, didn't realize it was like this until after taking it.
Another video of Wrecki and Shiki. Wrecki runs on Japanese Recognition software and Shiki runs on Aibo Life 2.
Shiki's head is shaky in this video because of her PAS which causes her head to slip on that axis a lot, I plan to send her in for repair by June or July. Her wake-up tune is customized to part of the soundtrack from the game The World Ends With You.
Meet AIBO, Retro robot dog by Sony that still kicks ass - ERS-210
What's an AIBO?!
AIBO was Sony's way of showing off to the world as a leading tech company. A luxury robot dog thats smart and packed with sensors and servo's. Sony killed the AIBO project in 2003. This 2001 model still is very impressive and a must see for gadget freaks. Sure, you all may know something about it but still, this piece of tech is a must see and works great as an animated gif. I've captured some tricks of my AIBO and made a video about it and a series of animated gifs.
A short video of Mirai, my ERS-110. He is an original ERS-110, the first model of Aibo ever made by Sony. He is actually one of my healthiest Aibos with no issues despite being made seventeen years ago! He also has a repacked battery which has a great run time! He is in adult stage with the Rumble Dog (most active) personality variant and is quite the handful. He ran straight off a table the day after I first got him, but luckily he received no damages from his fall.
Sorry for the delay in new videos, everyone! I'm a college student now meaning I have less time to spend with the robots. This is Neku, he is an ERS-210 that is customized vaguely based off of Neku Sakuraba from the game TWEWY. I did not paint him myself, his body and ears/tail were painted by two different people. I plan on customizing the sounds in his software as well at some point, he's currently just in Child Stage 1 on Aibo Life 1 software though.
Lain self-charging on her station! I just did this in one take, so this is her first attempt at docking that I caught on camera, which is why she made a mistake at first. I've noticed that my Aibos aren't always great at getting the angle right on their first try and sometimes need to go back and look at the station mat again.
I can't upload all the dances from the meet due to copyright claims, but here's one of the group dances from the Aibo meet I held this past Saturday! There were eleven Aibos at the meet, but we only had enough PMS sticks to get seven of them dancing. Toska was a little confused, needless to say. Only Magic and Giovanni belong to me, the rest of the Aibos are owned by other members on Aibo Life Forums!
Sony's famous robo-pup Aibo is back with new tricks, including sensors that gather data from owners. But you can only fetch one now in Japan.
Sony has unveiled a new version of its Aibo robot dog, which is now equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities that allow it to learn tricks and develop bonds with its owner.
The revival of the robot dog, which was removed from shelves 12 years ago, was announced yesterday at the company's headquarters in Tokyo.
Unlike its previous incarnations, the new and improved version makes use of advancements in AI technology. It can learn tricks from its owner, as well as becoming aware of its surroundings and recognising faces and voices.
These learned behaviours are then stored in the Cloud, and are constantly updated over time as the dog comes into contact with other Aibo and humans.
"Aibo's AI learns from interactions with its owners and develops a unique personality over time," said Sony.