Alexander Hayes

Alexander Hayes on Singularity 1 on 1: It's a shift in humanity, not in technology!

Published on Feb 21, 2014

Alexander Hayes is an Australian researcher and PhD candidate investigating the social implications of augmented reality technologies such as Google Glass. I met Hayes during last year's ISTAS13 conference in Toronto and the consequent UAV Drones: Pros vs Cons symposium, where he was one of the key organizers. During the course of these events I was quickly impressed by Alex both personally and professionally and thus I knew that I had to interview him on Singularity 1 on 1 so that he can share the interesting findings he has reached in the course of his research.

During our 1 hour conversation with Hayes we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: his interest in augmented reality and drone technology; whether Google Glass is a slam dunk game-changing device; "normalization" of technology; the break-down of public and private space; privacy, security and surveillance; physiological shifts in the brain resulting from Google Glass' electro-magnetic and/or radiation emissions; the benefits for education, training, policing and other activities; whether Google Glass is good or bad; Vernor Vinge's Rainbows End; drones for good and drones for bad; augmented reality, augmented humanity and the process of chipification...

My favorite quotes that I will take away from this interview with Alexander Hayes are: "It's a shift in humanity; it's not a shift in technology" [on Google Glass and similar devices] and "Beware the implications of your involvement with technology!"

Key research focus areas include unmanned aerial systems, national security, wearable technology, privacy, information communication technology, social media, networked and mobile learning.

Alexander Hayes is a Web Developer at the Australian National University, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre, School of International, Political and Strategic Studies. He is a web administrator for the Serving Our Country project, a history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the defence of Australia under the supervision of Professor Joan Beaumont.