Mikey Shulman of Suno and Anna Veronika Dorogush of Recraft said generative AI would democratize the arts and open up new opportunities for fun and collaboration, rather than undermine the creative professions as many fear.“We want to make creativity and innovation in the design space simple,” said Dorogash. Most of her company’s customers are professionals, she said, and the tools open up new capabilities where “anyone can complement their vision.” She sees the company as a partner to designers, helping them create new things they can ultimately sell.Shulman, whose company was sued just this week by the music labels, said AI would not only bring music creation to the masses, it would create a new kind of social space, where people make music together. “It should be fun to make music,” he said, and that often comes from doing it with others.He said the 10 million people who had used Suno showed distinct use cases: making a quick song, and spending hours perfecting a song, and he wasn’t sure what the middle was.But he thought it was about “blurring the lines between creation and consumption.”Shulman declined to comment directly on the lawsuits, but said “the law is inadequate for what is going to come.”He envisioned a future where music was a much bigger part of people’s lives, and cited videogames as a parallel. “Look at the video game industry. These are rich and engaging experiences for people, and that is why they are willing to shell out a lot of money for them.”“Music is mostly just listened to and it’s not very valuable,” he continued, but a social, interactive music world would be far more compelling, and “people will want to do more of it and pay more for it.”CEREBRAL VALLEY NEW YORK TOOK PLACE ON JUNE 27, 2024, HOSTED BY NEWCOMER & VOLLEY