Arduino Basics, littleBits Electronics, Inc., New York, USA

Introduction to Arduino Programming 1: The Basics I

Published on Jun 19, 2015

So you've just unboxed your shiny new littleBits Arduino module and would like to get into the fabulous world of Computer Programming. Or you're already an experienced programmer and want dip your toe into coding an Arduino, we'll be covering how you can get from 0 - 100 in no time.

Arduino Basics ii

Published on Jun 19, 2015

A series of based on New York University's Introduction to Computer Programming class from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

This is intended as a "gentle" introduction to computer programming and Arduino. The only prerequisite is that you've completed our Arduino Basics guide!

Introduction to Arduino Programming iii: Light up my life

Published on Jun 20, 2015

You light up my life! Ok as we level up our skills we'll talk less and code more!
This program will let us light up our bargraph bit and check out some new Arduino functions.

Introduction to Arduino Programming vi: Oracle Arduino

Published on Jun 20, 2015

In depth post here!
Ever wonder if your secret crush is into you? If you’re going to strike it rich? Or if it’s going to rain today? Let the Arduino Oracle tell you your future.