Becky Stern

Becky Stern - Disruptive Wearable Technology at HOPE X

Published on Jul 24, 2014

Becky Stern speaks at HOPE X July 19, 2014

As technology becomes ever more embedded in the fabric of our society and even our clothes, we must grapple with ever more complicated tradeoffs regarding privacy and security. This talk will highlight disruptive wearable technologies that creatively and assertively address these modern technological and societal changes. Come learn about underwear that that tattles on a TSA agent’s wandering fingers during a secondary screening, makeup that makes you imperceptible to facial recognition software, and eye-tracking glasses that let a paralyzed graffiti writer tag again. Most projects featured are open source or how-to guides, and span the last ten years. Becky Stern’s intention is to inspire HOPE X attendees to think more about the physical body as a canvas for hacking, social engineering, fashion, and wearable tech.