Building Up To Maker Faire: Shawn Thorsson's ED-209

Building Up To Maker Faire: ED-209 Part 2

Published on Mar 14, 2014

In episode 2 of Shawn Thorsson's Building Up To Maker Faire series, he takes us deeper into the construction of his ED-209 robot. In particular, discusses the finer points of building up fiberglass molds and the structure of the robot.

Building Up To Maker Faire: Shawn Thorsson's ED-209- Part 3

Published on Mar 28, 2014

This is the latest video documenting Shawn Thorsson's project to build a life-size replica of ED-209, the deadly, bad-guy robot from the original Robocop movie for Maker Faire Bay Area 2014. In this episode, he breaks down the finer points of mold making.

Building up to Maker Faire: Part 4

Published on Apr 8, 2014

Shawn Thorsson is building an ED-209 Robot (better known as the Enforcement Droid from Robocop) for Maker Faire. As if that's not cool enough, you can follow along in his fourth installment and see how he vacuum forms the droid's exterior.

Building up to Maker Faire: Part 5

Published on Apr 29, 2014

Shawn Thorsson is building an ED-209 Robot (better known as the Enforcement Droid from Robocop) for Maker Faire. As if that's not cool enough, you can follow along in his fifth installment and see how he rotocasts a portion of the robots arm.

Making a RoboCop ED-209 Life-Size Replica!

Published on May 20, 2014

Prop maker Shawn Thorsson spent just three months building a perfect replica of the ED-209 robot from RoboCop, complete with motorized limbs and sound effects. At Maker Faire, Shawn chats with us about the build process for this project and how he brought this iconic robot to life.

Two EDs are Better Than One ED-209

Published on Oct 31, 2014

Shawn Thorsson, creator of the original life-sized ED-209 replica robot brought a duplicate to the Make: offices to see the two models side-by-side.