CHiP (Canine Home Intelligent Pet), robot dog, WowWee Group Limited, T.S.T. East, Hong Kong

Hey CHiP - the obedient robot dog

Published on May 10, 2016

CHiP is an intelligent, friendly robot puppy. Using advanced sensors and smart accessories, CHiP is always alert, and ready to play. How you respond uniquely shapes his behaviour, so your CHiP will have his own personality.

CHiP now includes a powerful new voice recognition feature that will enhance the interaction and play experience for the entire family!

Tutorial: getting started with your CHiP robot dog!

Published on Aug 25, 2016

This tutorial video will show you how to get started with your CHiP and explore just a few of the amazing things you and your pup can do together!

CHiP voice recognition tutorial

Published on Sep 10, 2016

CHiP can hear you! To get his attention, all you have to do is say "Hey CHiP". Once his eyes turn green, you know he's listening.

Voice recognition technology is sometimes a bit finicky. If it seems like CHiP isn't listening, it might have something to do with pitch, and intonations in speech. Luckily, any trick that can be activated through voice is also accessible through the SmartBand and the CHiP app.

CHiP. The new smart dog.

Published on Oct 6, 2016

CHiP is a loyal, smart robot dog designed with advanced technology so he can see, feel, and hear. CHiP responds when called, obeys your commands and adapts and grows over time. How you respond uniquely shapes his behaviour, so no other CHiP is ever quite like yours.

Chip the robot dog toy: who let the dogs out?

Published on Nov 8, 2016

Who Let The Robot Dogs Out? The ultimate Robot Dog lip-sync video! After wanting a dog for so long, Daniel finally gets the ultimate Robot Dog Toy - Chip The Dog! Whilst Lip-syncing to "Who Let The Dogs Out?" Daniel opens and shows the world his epic new dog toy from WowWee. Starring all the family & Charlie in a dog costume!

Magic toy surprise puppy | Christmas gift prank with Chip the robot dog

Published on Nov 11, 2016

Magic Surprise Puppy -Toy Freaks Kids Out | Bad Baby Mommy Prank with Chip the Robot Dog !

Day 1 - Unboxing CHiP robot dog toy from WowWee

Published on Nov 12, 2016

Today we unbox CHiP and see whats in this $150 robot! This is a new robot toy that just came on the market 2016

CHiP is a smart, affectionate, trainable robot dog
CHiP responds to you through touch, the included SmartBand, and the CHiP app
The SmartBand allows CHiP to recognize and follow you; CHiP will also play fetch with the SmartBall and bring it back to you
When low on battery, CHiP automatically returns to his SmartBed to recharge himself
When getting started with CHiP, be sure to download the latest CHiP app (free) from the App Store or Google Play to take advantage of the latest features!

Day 2 - LET'S PLAY! CHiP Robot Dog Toy from WowWee (FULL REVIEW)

Published on Nov 17, 2016

Today we play with CHiP, a robotic dog from WowWee, and see whats in this $150 robot! This is a new robot toy that just came on the market 2016

CHiP is a smart, affectionate, trainable robot dog
CHiP responds to you through touch, the included SmartBand, and the CHiP app
The SmartBand allows CHiP to recognize and follow you; CHiP will also play fetch with the SmartBall and bring it back to you
When low on battery, CHiP automatically returns to his SmartBed to recharge himself
When getting started with CHiP, be sure to download the latest CHiP app (free) from the App Store or Google Play to take advantage of the latest features!