
EU FP7 Project CompanionAble - New Concepts 2012

Published on Sep 20, 2012

A robot companion cooperating with a smart home to support people with MCI and early dementia.

This video shows the final concepts of the CompanionAble project. It has been recorded in the 'Smartest House of the Netherlands' of Smart Homes in Eindhoven. This was one of the sites where extensive user evaluations took place.


CompanionAble - "Integrated Cognitive Assistive & Domotic Companion Robotic Systems for Ability & Security" - provides people suffering from mild cognitive impairments (MCI) with an assistive environment using the synergy between Robotics and Ambient Intelligence technologies and their semantic integration. This will support the cognitive stimulation and therapy management of the care-recipient, mediated by a robotic companion (mobile facilitation) working collaboratively with a smart home environment (stationary facilitation).

The distinguishing advantages of the CompanionAble Framework Architecture arise from the objective of graceful, scalable and cost-effective integration, plus a participative and inclusive co-design and scenario validation approach driving the RTD efforts in CompanionAble; involving care recipients and their close carers as well as the wider stakeholders.

(ICT-2007.7.1 ICT and Ageing, GA Number 216487)


All partners involved:

The University of Reading - England (coordinator)
Stichting Smart Homes - The Netherlands (coordinator field trials + user research)
Metralabs GmbH Neue Technologien und Systeme - Germany
Technische Universitaet Ilmenau - Germany
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Austria
Fundacion Instituto Gerontologico Matia Ingema - Spain
AKG Acoustics GmbH - Austria
Innovation Centre in Housing for Adapted Movement InHam - Belgium
Center for Usability Research and Engineering - Austria
Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris - France
Groupe des Ecoles des Telecommunications - France
Fundacion Robotiker / Tecnalia - Spain
LeGrand France SA - France
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris CCIP - France
Universite d'Evry-Val d'Essonne - France
Universidad da Coruna - Spain
Verklizan BV - The Netherlands