Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Reusable, N95 alternative face mask developed by a collaborative team hits production

Jun 11, 2020

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the resulting need for PPE, a diverse team consisting of engineers, designers, clinicians, technicians, molders, among other entities, concentrated their intellects and efforts towards the rapid deployment and mass manufacture of an “open hardware, reusable, sterilizable, modular, and filter-media agnostic face mask that aims to hit the N95 efficacy criteria." An interview with Matt Carney (co-lead of the project and postdoctoral researcher at the MIT Media Lab) on the front porch of his home in Somerville, MA, sheds light on specific aspects of the creation process.

Starting in early June 2020, the “Open Standard Respirator, Model 1” has entered large scale production phases in the US, Portugal, and expanding to Columbia and Brazil.

How long does SARS-CoV-2 last on surfaces? What we know

Jun 12, 2020

If a surface is contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, how long does it pose a risk of infection?

Hosted by: Hank Green

How is Lawrence Livermore fighting COVID-19?

Jun 17, 2020

Lawrence Livermore has applied its considerable scientific and technical expertise in a rapid response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. From nasal swabs to ventilators, drug development to mask decontamination, Maren takes you through LLNL’s newest work against COVID-19 (updated as of this video’s publication).

Visitor screening robot

Jun 30, 2020

Robot performs one of the Health security functionalities , the Visitor Screening:
The robot will stop all visitors at the entrance to ensure the body temperature is at safe limit. In case of high temperature and any Covid related symptoms, they will be advised to consult doctor and the report will be sent to authorities.

ASIMOV Robotics

Why does COVID-19 have so many symptoms?

Jul 9, 2020

For a respiratory disease, COVID-19 sure seems to affect more than just the respiratory system. Scientists think the receptor ACE2 is to blame.

What does an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection look like?

Jul 10, 2020

Some people who get sick with COVID-19 don't feel any symptoms of the disease, but what does an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection look like?

Manolis Kellis: Human Genome and Evolutionary Dynamics | AI Podcast #113 with Lex Fridman

Jul 31, 2020

Manolis Kellis is a professor at MIT and head of the MIT Computational Biology Group. He is interested in understanding the human genome from a computational, evolutionary, biological, and other cross-disciplinary perspectives. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast.


0:00 - Introduction
3:54 - Human genome
17:47 - Sources of knowledge
29:15 - Free will
33:26 - Simulation
35:17 - Biological and computing
50:10 - Genome-wide evolutionary signatures
56:54 - Evolution of COVID-19
1:02:59 - Are viruses intelligent?
1:12:08 - Humans vs viruses
1:19:39 - Engineered pandemics
1:23:23 - Immune system
1:33:22 - Placebo effect
1:35:39 - Human genome source code
1:44:40 - Mutation
1:51:46 - Deep learning
1:58:08 - Neuralink
2:07:07 - Language
2:15:19 - Meaning of life

Soap vs COVID-19

Jul 28, 2020

A 3D-visualisation of soap destroying the coronavirus is a poignant reminder that simply washing your hands can help stem the pandemic.

The scientifically accurate simulation, a collaboration between UNSW Art & Design and UNSW Science, shows soap acting on contaminated skin covered with tiny coronavirus particles.

The simulation uses a cinematic approach and evocative animation to deliver a message that’s accessible to adults and children alike.

The simulation was created by UNSW’s 3D Visualisation Aesthetics Lab, which explores arts- and design-led visualisations of complex scientific and biomedical data. The Lab creates immersive platforms that play out scientific phenomena, such as drug interactions with cancerous cells or interactive personalised scans of strokes to help patients understand their treatment.

The Lab are investigating the potential to engage with the face-mask debate and other public health issues through a series of educational 3D-simulations.

Pandemic response challenge

Nov 16, 2020

As COVID-19 rates continue to surge in countries around the world, XPRIZE, the world’s leader in designing and operating incentive competitions to solve humanity’s grand challenges, in partnership with Cognizant, one of the world's leading technology and professional services companies, launched the Pandemic Response Challenge. The competition aims to harness the power of data and artificial intelligence in equipping policymakers, health officials, and business leaders with the insights and guidance necessary to implement public safety measures that maximize their ability to keep local economies open while minimizing potential virus breakouts.

Michael Mina: Rapid Testing, Viruses, and the Engineering Mindset | Lex Fridman Podcast #146

Dec 18, 2020

Michael Mina is an immunologist, epidemiologist, and physician at Harvard.


0:00 - Introduction
2:32 - Interacting between viruses and bacteria
6:45 - Deadlier viruses
10:17 - Will COVID-19 mutate?
11:51 - Rapid testing
29:15 - PCR vs rapid antigen tests
38:59 - Medical industrial complex
42:51 - Lex takes COVID test
49:35 - FDA and cheap tests
52:21 - Explanation of Elon Musk's positive COVID tests
59:29 - Role of testing during vaccine deployment
1:02:58 - Public health policy
1:12:38 - A weather system for viruses
1:29:30 - Can a virus kill all humans?
1:35:09 - Engineering a deadly virus
1:39:51 - AlphaFold 2 and viruses
1:45:46 - Advice for young people
1:53:54 - Time as a buddhist monk
1:59:58 - Meditation
2:07:36 - Meaning of life

Most exciting Smart Masks of CES 2021

Jan 20, 2021

In some respects CES 2021 is a reflection of the last year in tech and lifestyle; with that in mind, we don't really need to explain why smart face masks were one of the many products shown off at the annual tech event.

The Active Plus from tech company AirPop isn't the first mouth cover to call itself a 'smart face mask', but it may be the first to deserve that title, as it has a few useful health features, as well as smartphone app integration.

Never one to disappoint on crazy designs, Razer has revealed a seriously smart face mask at CES 2021. And with everything that's going on in the world, it might even be more appealing than its concept convertible gaming chair, 'Project Brooklyn'.

While the aesthetics won't be a hit for everyone, before you make any rash judgments on this RGB-injected medical wear, you should know that every part of the design has an important part to play – even the funky lighting.

The mask is a surgical N95-grade face-covering made from recycled materials, which falls in line with Razer's sustainability ethos (check out the collaboration between Razer and Conservation International for more info). To reduce waste created by disposable masks, Razer's mask uses replaceable and rechargeable disc-type ventilators. The carry case for the mask also acts as a charging box and has a disinfecting UV light that promises to kill off any bacteria.