Daniele Benedettelli


Published on Dec 16, 2013

Many wishes of a Merry Christmas and an EV3 year
from Danny's Lab & Side-B Studio!

We celebrate Christmas with two versions of the same EV3 robot,
FrAnK (Freaking Animatronics Knucklehead).
The robot animatronic heads are made with an EV3 retail set 31313 (on the right) and an EV3 Edu set 45544 (on the left).

LEGO Duck Maker (Pick-a-Duck)

Published on Dec 31, 2013

This is a LEGO Duck Maker machine.
An EV3 Brick controls 3 NXT servos and an EV3 Medium servo to build a virtually unlimited number of different ducks, using just 6 bricks.
The Duck Maker is part of the larger project Pick-a-Duck.
Follow the Pick-a-Duck project on EV3L.com

Cyclops MK3 WiFi Remote Control

Published on Nov 26, 2014

This is an early documentation video on Cyclops MK3. It shows the robot being remote controlled via the NXT2WIFI embedded webserver, moving its arms, and walking on my desk