With this teaser of the ERC project DEMIURGE, we celebrate #ERC10kGrantees. Congratulations!
Automatic design is a promising approach to the design of collective behaviors for robot swarms. Starting from the specifications of a mission, an automatic design method generates a swarm with a collective behavior that is suitable for addressing the mission. Automatic methods design robot swarms without requiring human intervention, and we expect them to play a central role in the transitioning of swarm robotics from the lab to real applications.
More about the automatic design of robot swarms:
M. Birattari, A. Ligot, and K. Hasselmann (2020). Disentangling automatic and semi-automatic approaches to the optimization-based design of control software for robot swarms. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2(9):494–499
M. Birattari, A. Ligot, D. Bozhinoski, M. Brambilla, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, F. Pagnozzi, A. Roli, M. Salman, and T. Stützle (2019). Automatic off-line design of robot swarms: a manifesto. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6 : 59
D. Garzón Ramos, D. Bozhinoski, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, K. Hasselmann, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, A. Ligot, F. J. Mendiburu, F. Pagnozzi, M. Salman, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari (2021). The automatic off-line design of robot swarms: recent advances and perspectives. In G. De Masi, E. Ferrante, and P. Dario (Eds.) R2T2: Robotics Research for Tomorrow’s Technology. Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
David Garzón Ramos
The realization of this video has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (DEMIURGE Project, grant agreement No 681872) and from Belgium’s Wallonia-Brussels Federation through the ARC Advanced project GbO-Guaranteed by Optimization.
Mauro Birattari acknowledges support from the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique–FNRS.
David Garzón Ramos acknowledges support from the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation–Minciencias.