ECHORD (European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development)

Welcome to the Peccioli Robotics Innovation Facility (RIF)

Published on Jul 3, 2015

The town Peccioli in Tuscany is also called the "Robo Town". Here one of ECHORD++'s three Robotics Innovation Facilities (RIFs) is located. The RIFs provide robotic software and hardware platforms, as well as profound knowledge for system integration. They offer easy and non-bureaucratic access to robotic equipment, as well as to experts to support bootstrapping. And what's probably the best part of it: everything is free of charge.

The Peccioli RIF provides several environments to make experiments in realistic settings.

pickit – Multi-model Bin-picking for New Industrial Tasks

Published on Oct 29, 2015

Within the scope of the Echord++ experiment pickit, the Fraunhofer IFF and Scape Technologies aim to improve camera-based bin-picking systems through the use of tactile sensors in the gripper. This new system provides a multi-modal solution for bin-picking applications, improving the overall reliability of the system. This approach is designed to be adaptable to any existing bin-picking system. In the video the set-up of the bin-picking work cell and the tactile sensor technology are presented. The Echord++ project has received funding from the European Union.