"EXT", short sci-fi film, Adrian Bobb, 2019, USA


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EXT short trailer (2019)

Premiered Mar 29, 2019

Trailer for the 2019 proof of concept short film, "EXT".

Written and Directed by Adrian Bobb
Starring: Cara Gee, Zoe Doyle
Music by: Dillon Baldassero

A sci-fi short film: "EXT" - by Adrian Bobb

Feb 21, 2021

TheCGBros Presents "EXT" by Adrian Bobb - In the snow-covered ruins of 24th century Toronto, AEGIS, a humanoid war machine, leads a team of five similar yet unique machines into the EXT, the new real-world to retake an enemy-occupied server installation vital to the survival of their digital homeland.
During an attempt to ambush a large pack of enemy-controlled war-drones, AEGIS recalls an interrogation with the enemy’s founder, an extremist named KYM MINAMOTO...AEGIS’s mother.
As AEGIS fights for her life in the real world, she recalls the emotional fight for her identity in the INT, her digital homeland as she and her mother argue over the true nature of humanity and AEGIS’s role within it. For more information, please see the details and links below:

Written and Directed by Adrian Bobb
Produced by Zeus Pictures