Fitbit Inc., activity trackers, wireless-enabled wearable electronic devices, San Francisco, California, USA


Staff member
Website -

Fitbit Inc. on Wikipedia

Co-founder and CEO - James Park

Co-founder and CTO - Eric Friedman

Products and projects:

Sense, smartwatch

Ionic, smartwatch

Inspire, smart wristband

Versa, fitness tracker

Flex, wireless activity and sleep wristband

Zip, wireless activity tracker

One, wireless activity + sleep tracker

Charge, wireless activity + sleep wristband

Aria, Wi-Fi Smart Scale

Fitbit Success Stories: Atlantic Packaging

Published on Sep 5, 2013

Our friends at Atlantic Packaging put together this great video to share their Fitbit stories. How does your own story compare?

Interview With Fitbit CEO James Park | CES 2014

Published on Jan 8, 2014

Matt Burns talks to James Park, CEO and cofounder of Fitbit, about the effects of crowdfunding and the importance of accessories in the wearable tech marketplace.

Fitbit's VP of Interactive & Design | Inside Jobs

Published on Apr 29, 2014

Growing up Tim Roberts wanted to be an artist. Today he's the Vice President of Interactive and Design at personal health tracking startup Fitbit. Roberts tries to bring some artistic perspective into his job building teams and making software, finding common ground with what it takes to make music or art. In person, he's got a bit more creativity going on under the surface than you might expect by just hearing his job title.

Get FitForFood with Joel McHale and Fitbit

Published on Jan 27, 2015

Joel is ready to get FitForFood. Are you? Sign up and let Fitbit donate the active calories you burn as meals for people in need. The race to 1 Billion Calories is on!