Frank Tobe

Frank Tobe talks Smart Cars - The Pulse on Technology

Uploaded on Feb 1, 2012

Tyler Pyburn talks with Frank Tobe about how one day, computer programming will allow cars to drive themselves.

The Robot Report interview with Frank Tobe

Published on May 17, 2016

Welcome to I'm your host Philipip English and we're here today with analyst and co-founder of Robo Global and editor publisher of the Robot Report, Frank Tobe.

The Robot Report gathers and reports industry news, tracking the business of robotics and Robo Global has developed an index of robot industry stocks.

After selling his business and retires for 25 years, he has provided a competed a direct marketing and consulting to the democratic national committee, major presidential and other campaigns and initiative. He has edited pursued a new career in researching and investing in robotics.

In 2013 he co-founded robo stock LOC and it was renamed in 2015 into Robo Global and developed a tracking index for robotics industry. The Robo-Global robotics and automation index.

Philip: Hi Frank, many thanks for your time today in joining us very much appreciate it. So I'm just gonna run you through on how's the question look and tell me a little bit about yourself and robot report, the robot report as you say. So could you introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about your background.

Frank: I am Frank Tobe, I'm the editor/publisher of the Robot Report. It's a news portal focusing on tracking the business side of the robotics, it's less interested in the inventions and the technology coming out of the schools and more about the business manufacturing, producing, using of robots in the real world. I come to robotics from the data processing and data mining business. I run a large business for many many years, during the transition time of the digital era. I saw the changes, I was affected by the changes. I had a computer room that cost a quarter million dollars, that’ gives you an idea.

Philip: Ok

Frank: I went from washing machine size disks to little things you pick-up in your hands that has a hundred times, a thousand times more space and computing power. And that disruption change the nature of the business and I like participating in that change. So then I sold and retired and started to look for the next disruptive activity and I think we're in it right now which is the future is the robotic industry in general, the transitioning of jobs and but it's affecting everything not just jobs. Think of a self driving cars, I just did an article this morning, haven't posted it yet, of 14 industry groups that will be seriously disruptive and self driving cars are being deployed worldwide.

Philip: Ok

Frank: It's easy to remember, for me, back to the time when the digital era start and secretaries went out and airline reservationist run out and people started doing their own typing, their own data entry. Now we buy a good majority of our stuff on-line and the nature of stores commercial activity is all changing. And this is what's happening in robotics today, so that's how I got involved. Actually I got involved because I asked by brokers to give me a bastion of stocks that I can invest in and they didn't know any, they knew a couple and they didn't really understand that it's an international, global business and the good portion of manufacturers and companies involves in robotics are not American.

Philip: Right, yeah this is it, obviously, I read something about like, Bill Gates is saying that this is the start of the industry or back when he first started that robotics is pretty much where they are now, back when he first started, so you know as you were saying, you know it's the start of like a new industry and we start to see the next step and things start to grow to sort a change the world really, I can totally understand where you're coming from. I mean what do think of time frames, because they always say, it took say like 40 years to develop the computer industry you reckon to be another 40 years to hit a real peek, real fast beat for the robot industry or it's gonna be smaller?

Frank Tobe in Robots in Depth #23

Published on Mar 29, 2018

Frank Tobe shares his experience from covering robotics in The Robot Report and creating the index Robo-Stox

Frank talks about how and why he shifted to robotics and how looking for an investment opportunity in robotics lead him to start Robo-Stox (since renamed to ROBO Global), a robotics focused index company.

Both companies have given Frank a unique perspective on the robotics scene as a whole, over a significant period of time, and we are pleased that he wanted to share some of his insights from that with us.