In R/C, claims of 60+ mph speeds are a dime a dozen. However, ARRMA has something that's priceless: proof. They not only prove that the 1/10 scale VORTEKS can deliver 60+ mph speeds; they show you exactly how to produce it, so you can do the same to your VORTEKS! The video starts at the track, with a spokesman, stock 2WD VORTEKS BLX RTR and a radar gun. After a brief warm-up, the VORTEKS is clocked at a respectable top speed of 33.7 mph. Next, the spokesman tells and shows you what parts they're going to add and how they're going to change the setup. Thanks to the magic of time-lapse photography, the actual benchwork takes only seconds. Before you know it, you're back at the track with the spokesman and upgraded VORTEKS. It's obvious to the naked eye that the VORTEKS is faster. The radar gun proves it, clocking it at a blistering 67.1 mph — almost twice the speed of the stock version.
Learn more about the VORTEKS BLX RTR by visiting the product page at