INTRO – INteractive RObotics research network, FP7, Europe

INTRO waiter robot

Published on Aug 1, 2013

This video is the final demo of the EU FP7 INTRO Initial Training Network, which was funded by the EC Marie Curie People's Programme. The video shows the interaction with a customized Kompa? robot. The robot consist of the the Robosoft's robuLAB10 platform, tablet PC, and a Microsoft Kinect camera mounted on a pan-tilt system that provides continuous person tracking. The newly developed robot features include gesture recognition, person following, navigation with pointing, and force control, which were integrated with the Robosoft's robuBOX SDK and the SLAM algorithms. The video demonstrates all the features and puts the robot in use in an everyday home scenario.

This work was done in collaboration between Robosoft (France), Umea University (Sweden), Ben-Gurion University (Israel), Humbolt University of Berlin (Germany), and Bristol Robotics Lab (UK).

Robot Waiter demonstration - INTRO project

Uploaded on Nov 29, 2011

A concept video of a robot waiter. Part of the EU FP7 project "INTeractive RObotics" (INTRO).

The video shows two sample interaction between a robot waiter and guests.

This work has been financed by the EU funded Initial Training Network (ITN) in the Marie Curie People Programme (FP7): INTRO (INTeractive RObotics research network), grant agreement no.: 238486.