Kilobot, low cost Swarm robot, K-Team Corporation, Vallorbe, Switzerland

Demonstrations of Kilobot collective behaviors on up to 29 robots

Uploaded on Jun 8, 2011

The following video shows a Kilobot collective of up to 29 robot demonstrating some popular collective behaviors such as follow-the-leader and foraging.

Kilobot - Swarm Robots - Collective Behaviour Demonstration with Q&A - Sheffield University

Published on Apr 21, 2013

This Kilobot Robot Swarm was being shown on the Sheffield University stand at the Gadget Show Live 2013. They were being used to demonstrate possible swarm behaviours.
Here the Kilobot drones want to play follow-the-leader - however, there are three different leaders and each drone only wants to have one leader... They have been programmed to randomly move until they have only a single leader signal.
The guy demo'ing the little fellows was very helpful.

The Natural Robotics Lab was founded in 2010. It is led by Dr. Roderich Gross from the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield.

It investigates robotic systems inspired by nature and robotic models of natural systems. Particular emphasis is on the study of self-assembling robotic systems and swarm robotic systems.

The Kilobot was developed by the prestigious Harvard University and it is now produced and distributed by K-Team.

Programmable Self-Assembly on a 1000 Robot Swarm: Science 2014, Video 1

Published on Oct 15, 2014

The self-assembly of a starfish shape by a thousand-robot swarm. The elapsed time for this experiment was 11.66 hours.

Programmable Self-Assembly on a 1000 Robot Swarm: Science 2014, Video 2

Published on Oct 15, 2014

The self-assembly of a "K" shape by a thousand-robot swarm. The elapsed time for this experiment was 11.71 hours.

Programmable Self-Assembly on a 1000 Robot Swarm: Science 2014, Video 3

Published on Oct 15, 2014

The self-assembly of a wrench shape by a five hundred robot swarm. The elapsed time for this experiment was 5.95 hours.

Programmable Self-Assembly on a 1000 Robot Swarm: Science 2014, Video 4

Published on Oct 15, 2014

An annotated compilation of videos showing the various steps of the selfassembly process.

Kilobots: Collective Transport of Complex Transport, long version (AAMAS 2013)

Published on Oct 15, 2014

Highlights of many experiments, including both Kilobots and R-one experiments. Joint work with MRSL Lab (James McLurkin), Rice University.

Kilobot Collective Behaviors: Phototaxis, Gradients, Sync, Pattern Formation

Published on Oct 20, 2014

A composition showing various collective behaviors programmed on a Kilobot swarm. Phototaxis: each robot uses a single sensor to move up the gradient of light. Gradient formation: information propagates from a single source robot, other robots color themselves red, blue, or green, modulo their distance from the source in information hops. Synchronization: each robot has an oscillator and changes the phase to match its local neighbors until the whole system converges. Dynamic Pattern Formation: the robots use distributed triangulation and a few seed robots to form a global coordinate system for pattern formation. This is combined with synchronization to allow the group to flash the words "Hello World".

The first robot swarm, and evolution's misfit

Published on Aug 22, 2014

Hank shares the nuts-and-bolts of the world’s first robot swarm, and explains what the creepy, cute and extinct animal known as Hallucigenia can teach us about evolution.

Can a thousand tiny swarming robots outsmart nature?

Published on Jul 21, 2015

How does a group of animals -- or cells, for that matter -- work together when no one’s in charge? Tiny swarming robots--called Kilobots--work together to tackle tasks in the lab, but what can they teach us about the natural world?