This video shows 'Lucy' at work at the HTS fair, the 7-8th of May. It summarizes the work that was performed in 3,5 months in the TMC Entrepeneurial Lab. Here, a team of multiple disciplines worked together to create this orange juicing and serving robot!
We had great fun working on it and looking forward to a next project!
Credits go out to team, Willem Boerman (Electronic design), Jeroen Willemse (ROS, mechatronics), Fabien Bruning (ROS, mechatronics, image processing), John Klomp (magic hands that made everything possible), Peter Klein Meuleman (Mechanical design), Sabarish Sekar (Software, ROS), Ruud Siebierski (Software, android + ros functionality), Bart Hennen (ROS, Mechatronics), Murat Bekdemir (Mechanical Design), Eric Janssen (Mechanical Design), and Bart van Laarhoven and Jesse Scholtes as the project initiators and project leaders.
Other credits go out to YASKAWA for supplying the robot and the TMC board of directors for supplying the necessary funding.