Massimiliano Versace (Max Versace)

The Future of Robotics - Max Versace

Published on Dec 14, 2013

Massimiliano Versace, director of the Boston University Neuromorphics Lab and CEO of Neurala, Inc., talks about the future of robotics. He specifically talks about the robot body, brain and mind. These three components are advancing rapidly to form the future of robots.

TEDx Fulbright: Max Versace of Neurala Talks About The Future of Robots

Published on Apr 5, 2014

If an alien watched all the videos on YouTube, he would think that the world was full of robots. But, it's not. Why not? What will it take to get robots out of YouTube and into the real world?

Max Versace, CEO of Neurala, explains what is holding back robots and what is being done to make a world of robots a reality.