MIRO, biomimetic companion robot, Consequential Robotics Ltd., London, United Kingdom


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Developer - Consequential Robotics Ltd.

Home page - consequentialrobotics.com/miroe





MIRO is a biomimetic companion robot with an advanced brain to learn from its surroundings and can develop a unique personality. It will make decisions, display emotions and respond to others in a truly unique and autonomous way.

Consequential Robotics worked in conjunction with Sebastian Conran Associates, Sheffield University and Eaglemoss Publications, Buzzamo and Gadget Lab. The character and form of the robot has been carefully considered to be friendly and approachable, but not toy-like. A developer version is to be released in early summer 2016.

MIRO Mark 4 undergoing trials

Published on Sep 16, 2014

Though it’s still trailing control wires, this Mark 4 MIRO is looking pretty slick in its smart charcoal-grey nose, ears and tail, and its movements are fluid and responsive.

Early MIRO movement test via remote control

Published on Sep 16, 2014

Here’s a near-complete MIRO undergoing movement trials. The tail and ears are finished, and there’s even a ‘dog tag’ around the neck. It all seems to be working well … the eyelids close; the ears rotate and ‘flop’; the neck rotates smoothly and nods. Finally, MIRO cuts a few moves across the floor, the body is tilted, and the tail ‘wags’ and rotates.