Video attachement for paper
Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke :
"Fast Whole-Body Motion Control of Humanoid Robots with Inertia Constraints"
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, May 2020.
We introduce a new, analytical method for generating whole body motions for humanoid robots, which approximate
the desired Composite Rigid Body~(CRB) inertia. Our approach uses a reduced five mass model, where four of the masses are
attributed to the limbs and one is used for the trunk. This compact formulation allows for finding an analytical
solution that combines the kinematics with mass distribution and inertial properties of a humanoid robot.
The positioning of the masses in Cartesian space is then directly used to obtain joint angles with relations based on
simple geometry. Motions are achieved through the time evolution of poses generated through the desired foot positioning
and CRB inertia properties. As a result, we achieve short computation times in the order of tens of microseconds. This makes
the method suited for applications with limited computation resources, or leaving them to be spent on higher-layer tasks
such as model predictive control. The approach is evaluated by performing a dynamic kicking motion with an igus Humanoid Open Platform robot.